Who Cooks For You Farm

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New CSA Format for 2019

It has been 10 years that we’ve been running Who Cooks For You Farm.  Over that time, we’ve been to lots of farmers markets and delivered lots of boxes of fresh produce to families across Pittsburgh.  Our original intent in the beginning of our farming adventure was to produce loads of nutritious produce for people who wanted it. We knew we were starting a business…but we did not realize we were going to be business people.  Even if we did know what we were getting into, we couldn’t possibly have known the extent to which we would understand our business…through our books, financial graphs and projections, ‘flow’ through every part of our business in the fields, at market, in packshed and in the office.   

As a business, we’ve come to know our strengths and weaknesses.  We’ve learned that if you pay attention, numbers tell amazing truths and offer long term insights and perspectives. Crunching numbers and systems is a huge part of what we do all the time here on the farm and those farmers that understand their finances the best and design the most thoughtful systems will likely be those to succeed.  

We’ve followed a version of success to where we are now.  There are a bunch of you that have stuck with us for a long time.  That support has helped give us the ability to figure out so much over the years.  Aeros and I agree we did our best to give you and all our members our greatest effort.  With that said, our numbers have shown us that delivery CSA at the rates we charge barely pay the bills and we don’t believe if we make any large shifts in cost that that will be acceptable or fair to our members. 

Join our Farmers Market CSA!

We’d like to invite you to join our farmers market CSA program where you can choose all your produce at a 10% discount.  We are discontinuing our CSA delivery program for the foreseeable future.   Although it pains us to make this dramatic shift, we see a bright light on the horizon. We have grown to know and really enjoy the market CSA.  We casually know our members by face and name and we’d like to be able to say that for all our CSA members.  We see our market members in person at market.  I joke around about my kids.  They notice the new grey in my beard.  I notice their new jacket while they tell me their favorite way to prepare something. These things may seem small, but I think Aeros and I have realized what the ‘community’ in csa represents.  It’s all those small things that when put together paint a community.  It’s exchanging the fruits of our labor but it’s, also, being human together in person. Even if its only for a couple of minutes while buying produce.   

We understand market is not always convenient.  We recognize that lots of you, our Delivery CSA members, will not join us at market, but we still have to seek options that seem more sustainable and less chaotic both for the business and for our family. 

Needless to say, thank you for all the support!  We really hope you consider our choice farmers market CSA.  It’s the flexible version of CSA.  Here’s a link to our market CSA information http://whocooksforyoufarm.com/market-choice-csa

Our website is currently under construction regarding these changes and in the next month it will look very different.  We should have signups available in about 2 weeks, this process will also be different from years past as we are changing web store providers.

Here’s a big farm Hug!  

Thanks again 


Chris and Aeros

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Chris and Aeros, 383 Mill Seat Run Road, New Bethlehem, PA 16242

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